You would think after the first car crash I would reduce my speed.
I heard a long time ago that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well I have perfected that definition. Recently I began to examine my own physical activities. A friend of mine asked what I do to workout. I was completely caught off guard. You see I am one of those individuals that does not belong to a gym or really engage in any group physical fitness activity. Ever since my grade school teacher introduced calisthenics I have resisted group exercise. Aside from the Chicken Fat records he played there was one particularly cruel game that consisted of scooter races in skirts. I have always been a proponent of just keeping a grueling work and personal life schedule that currently consists of the following:
1) My ex and I still maintain shared custody of our dogs. They are hunting dogs who require a tremendous amount of activity outside the house. When it is my watch I walk them, feed them, play ball with them and generally keep them moving as much as possible. On the nights they sleep over they wake me at 3:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. and will not settle down again until they have had at least a half hour of ball throwing, food and trips to the backyard. Occasionally I have assistance from my niece, a brave young woman fearless in the face of 50 lbs of muscle charging at her at break neck speed.
2) I clean house for my landlord (also my ex) and myself. More than a few eyebrows have been raised over this arrangement but it is win/win since he takes care of some of my utility bills. I find housecleaning very therapeutic and since we live next to each other it is simply an extension of caring for the dogs. I cleaned houses at a resort on Fire Island when I was in college and frankly nothing after that experience would surprise me. I realize the boundaries seem fuzzy but I do have a few, I will not clean on weekends and I do not do dishes.
3) At Christmas I engaged in my once a year baking ritual. This is perhaps the most strenuous of my hobbies since I have a baking oven but no counter space. I prepare all the ingredients at the house next door and bake in my own gas oven which has a true temperature. This requires perfect timing as I race from one house to the next to glaze, powder or cool whatever I am baking. If I have the dogs then they too get their exercise as I occasionally throw the ball into the backyard while juggling the door, the cookie sheets and cooling bake goods. I think it is a good exercise in balance, beats yoga plus you get a treat at the end. Sometimes the dogs get all the treats, especially on slippery winter days.
Time to get laundry going, cut out a Vogue Pattern and put away groceries...
I always considered you an incredibly active woman as I watched you leave the house for your morning run whilst I lay on the couch and contemplated life outside.